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Registration for 2025-2026 is Now Open!
2024-2025 registration is ongoing.
Limited spaces available in all of our classes, contact us to register your child today!

To register please choose the button below that is relevant to you and submit it once it is completed. Please contact our Program Director, Jodi Durant at if you have questions or require more information.
How old does my child have to be to attend Scarboro Preschool?To attend the 3-year-old classes children must be 3 by December 31 of the school year. To attend the 4-year-old classes children must be 4 by December 31of the school year.
Does my child have to be toilet-trained to attend Scarboro Preschool?Your child must be toilet-trained to enrol in any of the programs offered. Children who have infrequent accidents should wear Pull-Ups.
What should I do if I am going to be late to pick up my child from preschool?Parents should drop off and pick up their children within 5 minutes of the scheduled class times. If you will be late, please call the classroom at 403-228-3446 as soon as possible. A teacher will stay with your child until you arrive. Parents are expected to respect Scarboro Preschool class schedules. We have a short turn around time between classes and need that time to get ready for the next class.
Do you offer full-time preschool?We do not offer full-time preschool.
What is the volunteering commitment inside and outside the classroom?At Scarboro Preschool we do not require you to volunteer in the classroom. Our qualified teachers meet the provincial licensing requirements for ratio. We do welcome parents who wish to volunteer in the classroom. Please arrange with the classroom teacher. Each parent has a manageable volunteer role outside the classroom. Please see preschool information page for a list of roles.
Am I required to Fundraise?No Scarboro preschool does not participate in fundraising. However, Scarboro Community Association holds an annual fundraiser where all funds go towards the preschool program. Families are welcome to participate, but is not contingent on your child's registration.
When is my child too sick to send to school?Children should not attend preschool if they are not well. Health concerns include, but are not limited to, fever, chills, runny nose, a persistent cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, diarrhea, vomit(24hours symptom free before they can come to school) or your child just feeling ‘a bit off’. If your child has needed Tylenol or cough/cold medication within 48 hours of a preschool day, they should not go to school. If you are unsure, please keep your child home until he/she is symptom free and eager to participate in all activities.
Is Scarboro Preschool part of Sunalta School?No. The preschool is located inside of Sunalta School and has a wonderful working relationship with the school but is not affiliated with the school or the Calgary Board of Education. Scarboro Preschool is a non-profit preschool owned and operated by the Scarboro Community Association. Its location, inside the Sunalta school it helps to familiarize preschoolers with a school environment. It also allows us to have the older children in the school to interact with the preschools. For example, reading books, helping with projects ect.
My child is nervous about starting preschool and might not want to leave me. What can I do to help him/her?Scarboro Preschool uses a staggered start approach to help ease children into preschool. Our teachers understand separation anxiety, and have nurturing strategies which help children feel calm and encourage them to start playing after their caregivers leave. Tell your child you love them, to have fun and that you will be back soon to pick him/her up. Give a hug and kiss goodbye and leave your child with his/her teacher. If your child is very upset and cannot be distracted and engaged in play, you will be called. You will not be the only ones to have this experience, please know that the teachers are prepared for some of the children and caregivers to be nervous to separate.
What do I bring for snack?Our snack program at Scarboro Preschool is a cooperative group snack. We have a rotating snack schedule set up by the Program director. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THAT OUR CLASS IS A PEANUT FREE ZONE. In consideration of student allergies, there is a set menu for snacks.
What do I need to bring with me to Preschool?1. A clean indoor pair of runners that stay at school 2. A water bottle labeled with your child’s name 3. A backpack with a change of clothes: a shirt, pants, underwear and socks
Do I need to live in the Community of Scarboro to attend the Scarboro Preschool?No, you do not. You do however need to purchase a Scarboro Community Association Associate membership for $40 per year.
Are you an all-inclusive Preschool classroom?Yes, Scarboro Preschool is a fully inclusive classroom. Please contact the Program director for more information 403-560-4881.
Does Scarboro Preschool have subsidies available?Yes. For Subsidy Information: Search Click on "How to Apply for Subsidy" Choose how you would like to apply for subsidy: apply on-line or download the application form and mail it in: Child Care Subsidy PO Box 1641, Station M Edmonton, AB T5J 2N9 Fax 780-422-5692 If you are approved for subsidy, you will receive a letter that indicates the amount your child-care services provider will receive on your behalf and the start/end dates. If you are not approved for subsidy, you will receive a refusal letter indicating the reasons why your child has not been approved for subsidy. In this case, you may choose to request a review of a subsidy decision by submitting an Administrative Review Request form within 30 days. For more information call toll free: 1-877-644-9992
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